A couple of times a year, you just have to have a Big Mac from McDonalds (see photo at right). And so it what was for me tonight. Up and out of the house to my closest Mickey Dee's. Yes, I saw that I needed gas. Still, it was a Big Mac we're talking about.
Sooo... immediately after pulling onto the main street from the drive-thru, I ran out of gas.
Pushing it off the main street, I set off gas can in hand.
After cursing to myself (and who wouldn't, really) I realized that not only do I have the walk (about 4km in total, reasonable) ahead of me, but upon my return I could look forward to eating a cold Big Mac... or two.
How to speed this process up?
Yes, that's it! I could catch a ride (at least one way), with gas can in hand, how hard could it be?
Not a single driver stopped for me!
Was I doing something wrong? I know it had been years since I'd hitched a ride, but I did, after all, have a gas can. Wasn't it obvious what I was doing? Needing?
At least I wasn't spat upon or jeered at by passing motorists.
There was a point there where I just wanted to yell 'but I just wanted a Big Mac!'
A couple of motorcyclists pulled into a driveway, just in from of me. Um, no... idea quickly discarded. I was reminded though, of a time I (proud owner of a 1970 Norton Commando 750) rode around the same neighbourhood, showing off my new bike to a buddy... he helmetless on the back.
Yes, times have changed. For years we've been told "don't stop for hitch-hikers". They could be murderers, bank robbers, rapists.
Nothing there about not helping out your fellow man!
Upon returning to my car and again cursing over the fact I know have not only a meal that is well, 'more than likely' not good for me (ya ya... whatever) but, a cold one to boot.
I wondered though...
Starting up (that took a while, fuel pump not happy one bit) and then parking in the lot... meal in hand, I approached Mickey Dee's hungry as can be.
One of the counter drones asked me if I needed help/food/lottery tickets, or whatnot. I mumbled asking if the boss was around. She was nearby, and despite my mumbles, overheard.
After quickly explaining what happened, I popped the question.
Is there any chance of getting my meal replaced, please?
"Yea, sure" she said!
A great big thanks to Kim at my local McDonalds.
Faith in my fellow man restored?
Not so sure. Kids not liking rules/punshiment and taking their parent/parents to court... and the court backing the kid! More on that to come.