Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday isn't looking any better...

So I give you...

I have been guilty of kicking myself in the teeth... more than I'd care to admit. Read More...

Monday, November 22, 2010

It's just one of those days...

Mondays... I usually look forward to Mondays, but this Monday in particular is 'just one of those days'...

What irks me to no end (see those little irk bubbles above my head?), are those who say one thing and do another. Actions speak louder than words... oh the irony! Been happening quite a lot of late.

Damn f00kin shame it is too.

I am in need of a f00kin smoke, a f00kin drink and some rock & roll.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Toronto's Santa Clause parade is today

Am sitting here alone on a Sunday afternoon waiting for a buddy to drop by so's I can kick his ass in darts. Until then I'm engrossed in S5 of Rescue Me, starring Dennis Leary.

Been thinking of those in my life, and of those who've come and gone over the past year. Hoping my son is ok, and that my daughter is doing well on her own.

And st00pid me, am thinking of My One Who Got Away, and hoping she too is doing well.

Miss them all...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

daT mourns the passing of Pat Burns

R.I.P. coach...

Toronto Sun

It's been a heck of a year

Don't quite know what to say other than it's been quite a year.
Mom passed August 4th. She 'suffered' from Dementia, and the last month she'd had a stroke and a series of 'small' heart attacks.
I miss ya Mom!

I'd had my kids early in life so that as I approached 50 *cough* I'd be 'done'. With my youngest now 'out of the house' I'm free and clear to do as I see fit.

So, as a buddy of mine did, I'm heading off to Afghanistan with the Americans. Should I 'prevail'... I'll make enough cash in 3-5 years to last the remainder of my days.

Looking forward to it actually.

Personally, I've had a few 'smacks upside the head'. Women... what can one say other than **#(&*(@#R)(

Was 'fun' while it lasted.

more to follow...