Monday, March 8, 2010



As has been said, seemingly often of late... everything happens for a reason. I happen to agree with that, yet have struggled over the past year with its acceptance.

Is there 'good' in people who are 'bad'? Or is simply being a bad person enough to label them a lost cause... a Lost Soul? What defines a good person? What about a bad person?

As I'm not 'religious', how am I so certain that I have a soul?

I am my soul.

I am... me.

Is this just random nonsense from me because I just finished a d00b?



I'm sitting here puffin on a d00b, and I'm going over the past year. Wow... Read More...

Ticking away?

Where do I begin?

The last six months have been, at times, overwhelming.
Physically and emotionally.

I've a steel plate and 7 screws in my left forearm (story to follow at a later date). Sure it'll be interesting.

The rest, well... it won't come so easy.

Perhaps I'll just make a list of random thoughts (sure to grow upon recall).
Perhaps just ramble on and see where it takes us.