Saturday, June 26, 2010


Why can I not have the timestamp as follows; 6/25/2010 22:19hrs
Notice the 24hr clock.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Now here I go again... etc

Know the rest of the lyrics?

Think David Coverdale.

I mean, really!

Is this the way for me?


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Read More...

How to get to Rule #2...

This is where the debate begins.

I'll ask first if you even have a rule that overrides all others.

Do you?

Do you have what is commonly referred to as a golden rule?

We've met those who seemingly do not. If that be the case, move along please.

Unless of course, you're ready to consider the possibility of what the idea might mean to you.


A Google of The Golden Rule produces the following:

  • Wikipedia - The Golden Rule is an ethical code that states one has a right to just treatment, and a responsibility to ensure justice for others. It is also called the ethic of reciprocity.
  • A fellow by the name of Harry J. Gensler has a short essay on the matter. He is a proponent of a global ethics. Check out his page, its worth a look. (See the menu bar on his page for a direct link to his golden rule). 

Hmm, religion, business ethics and morals.

I'm not religious.

I'm most certainly spiritual.

Personal Ethics and Morals are part of my Golden Rule. They'd have to be as my golden rule is to look out for yourself first. If you don't this must mean you're NOT looking out for yourself. Now why would I willingly choose to do that? Why would I CHOOSE to not see how something affects me before I act?

It means of course, I'm not looking first.
And to look first, we must have a viewpoint.

And that viewpoint starts with me.

Starts with you...

If we all have a golden rule, what is yours?

Does my saying that everything starts (and ends of course) with me, a 'bad' thing?

Does this make me selfish?

WTF, of course not.

If my Rule#1 is It all Begins and Ends with Me, my Rule#2 (ironically religious in nature) must be...

          "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Rule #1

It all Begins and Ends with Me.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Words of wisdom, let it be

A friend sent this to me yesterday.

It is better not to be in a relationship at all than it is to be in one that continues to link closeness to betrayal, abandonment and isolation.


At this point, it says more about me than what was once 'us'.

Accept, learn... and move on.

So be it.

More rambles to come.

Saturday, June 12, 2010



Being alone again, why does it have to feel so lonely?

So, here begins a story of my falling in love, for only the second time in my life. And (yes, you CAN begin a sentence with and), as it would be inappropriate of me to use her real name here, we'll just call her Ashley.

So, Ashley is younger than me. A lot younger. 20 years younger, and as I'm 47, well, the world doesn't approve. Nor did her Mom, or her step-dad, whom I'm older than.

Go ahead, I can smell your disapproval from here.

Its really all about image for you, isn't it?

Does it look right, feel right, smell right.

Why do we crave approval and spend our lives being disapproved of.

Why are people so afraid of just being ourselves?

Get over it.